There are a small handful of areas that require your critical focus right now - make sure you've got this one on lock.

Posted on: Jun 26, 2024

Effective 1st July 2024 the bright-line property rules change. Here is what you need to know...

Posted on: Jun 11, 2024

At the end of the day, it's all about keeping good records and being upfront with the tax man. If you're providing entertainment that clearly benefits your employees, be prepared to pay the FBT. But if it's purely business-related, you can claim the full deduction without any FBT worries.

Posted on: Jun 3, 2024

If you've ever been through a restructuring, you'll know it has the potential to unsettle a team. Implement our top recommendations for maintaining a healthy organisational culture through transition.

Posted on: May 26, 2024

Surfing legend, Kelly Slater, is a master class in constantly adapting. His 30+ years in professional sport holds plenty of lessons for business.

Posted on: Apr 22, 2024

What do the new Government's shopping list of policy changes mean for you? We unpack the implications for business.

Posted on: Mar 18, 2024

On 5th MARCH 2024 was our complimentary talk specialising in Smart Factory implementation and AI. Sudburys was excited to partner with EMA (Employers and Manufacturers Association) to bring you this event.

Posted on: Dec 15, 2023

We have seen an increase in the amount of audit and review activity from the Inland Revenue over the past 6-12 months... This means that either yourself or your accountant will need to complete additional work to be able to satisfy Inland Revenues requests…

Posted on: Dec 14, 2023

Sudburys Director, Nikita Tomlinson, wraps up some of the highlights for our firm over the course of 2023 and reflects on the things she's proud of, thankful for and looking forward to. 

Posted on: Dec 13, 2023

Winding down the business for the year is not just about wrapping up projects; it's an opportunity to celebrate achievements, recharge, and strategically plan for the future. Here are some practical steps on how to gracefully wind down your business and set the right tone for a successful year ahead.

Posted on: Dec 10, 2023

It can be easy to get caught up in the wind down to the end of the year. Don't get us wrong, we're all for a summer holiday! But there's still valuable time left in the year to make a material difference to your business success. 

Posted on: Nov 22, 2023

At our October On Point event, Sudburys hosted well known independent economist, Cameron Bagrie. Here are the highlights of his insights into the road ahead for New Zealand.

Posted on: Oct 18, 2023

Get ready for an incredible morning with renowned economist Cameron Bagrie as our guest speaker at our next On Point Event in Whangarei on Tuesday 17 October!

Posted on: Aug 29, 2023

How can businesses make themselves more resilient amidst these economic shifts? Here are three key strategies – and just to keep things interesting, Nikita has tied them to New Zealand's favourite drink, coffee! Yes coffee and no, we’re not suggesting you invest all your money in a coffee franchise.

Posted on: Jul 30, 2023

By Kirsty Grant

In June I attended The Digital Day Out put on by The Marketing Association. As a marketer, we know that tech is driving both commercial and social opportunities and creativity, all of which is hugely exciting. The rate of change is exponential and one of the reasons connecting with industry leaders is so important to what we do. 

Posted on: Jul 26, 2023

I’ve been thinking about the power of Live Dashboard Reporting for Businesses…

In today's fast-paced and data-driven business landscape, real-time insights are essential for making informed decisions. As a business owner and someone who has the responsibility to make the tough business decisions, I can’t emphasise enough the value of real time reporting.

Posted on: Jul 24, 2023

After attending a recent Industry 4 event, I found myself immersed in a case study of a smart factory. It was a riveting journey into the world of automation, AI, and cutting-edge technology that had my mind buzzing. I am pretty passionate about the potential that this new tech world can bring to business, so wanted to share my key takeaways from this event with you.

Posted on: Jul 3, 2023

While the concept of AI has been around since the late 1950s and has been applied to smartphones and smart home devices for some time, it is the Large Language Models (LLMs) such as Bard and ChatGPT that have recently captured the headlines. 

Posted on: Jul 2, 2023

You might have a gut feeling about how your business is doing based on past experiences. But what happens when you encounter unknown challenges or enter uncharted territories? Suddenly, your instincts alone are no longer sufficient.

Posted on: Jun 26, 2023

Join us on Wednesday 14 June @ 8.30am for our must-attend talk for business owners and managers concerned about the slowing economy.

Posted on: Jun 1, 2023

In the current economic climate, we know that there are businesses out there who need to have tough conversations because quite literally, their survival is at stake. You might be in that boat. And while we might prefer to stick our head in the sand and avoid these conversations, the sooner the conversation, the lesser the long-term pain.

It might be tough but there are tools you can use to help you through these essential conversations.

Posted on: May 31, 2023

As many parents know, kids can gaze into the pantry or fridge and categorically state there is nothing to eat, even when they are well stocked with the staples such as eggs, bread and milk. Much to the disgust of our kids, when it comes to managing rising food costs, putting balanced and affordable meals on the table is what keeps the family running – not expensive packets of chips and biscuits! In business it is also helpful to remember the ‘staple’ roles, processes, and tasks needed to keep a business afloat. It’s about focusing on the areas that make the most difference to the bottom line.

Posted on: May 29, 2023

Imagine balancing a can of tomatoes on top of a Jenga tower. The tower represents your organisation's culture, while the can symbolises a critical change or strategic implementation. When the tower is stable, it can handle the weight, ensuring successful outcomes. But if the tower wobbles and weakens, the can of tomatoes can come crashing down, putting your change initiatives at risk.

Posted on: May 21, 2023

With rising living costs fuelled by weather events, increasing interest rates and inflation, this ‘No Frills’ budget has focused on supporting families, particularly young families. Other than that, there are no significant financial incentives or packages designed to assist the commercial sector. 

Posted on: May 18, 2023

As a business owner, it's easy to get caught up in the daily demands of running your company. However, it's important not to overlook the importance of getting the basics right. By focusing on the fundamentals, you can ensure that your business is built on a solid foundation that will allow it to thrive and grow over time.

One of the most critical areas to get right is your business' finances...

Posted on: May 16, 2023

Whether we are heading into an economic downturn or not, conducting a waste audit in your business is a smart idea. Wasted resources have an obvious effect on your bottom line and can expose you to risk, along with de-motivating team members and potentially fuelling staff turnover.

Posted on: May 12, 2023

Stephen Sudbury shares how 2023 is an ever-changing economic landscape which includes the possibility of a recession or slowing of the economy - something we are hearing a lot about from economists. This is not all doom and gloom if businesses take proactive measures to prepare for a potential downturn, by understanding the return on investment (ROI) for all activities within the organisation.

Posted on: May 2, 2023

How do you develop and articulate core values for your company and how to implement them into your day-to-day life? Let's find out...

Posted on: Apr 3, 2023

Are your company core values more than a poster on the lunch room wall?  The core values of your company matter more than ever – Diana Piggott explains why in our latest Sudburys article up on the website now.

Posted on: Apr 3, 2023

We are thrilled to announce that Justin Moore has been appointed as Director and Shareholder, effective March 1st, 2023. With over 15 years of experience in both commercial and public practice roles, Justin is an expert accountant with a passion for helping businesses achieve their goals.

Posted on: Mar 23, 2023

By now you will have heard of ChatGPT and may have also tried it. We asked ChatGPT to write 2 paragraphs about the positive impact it can have on businesses. Here's what it came up with:

Posted on: Mar 23, 2023

There are some amazing business podcasts and audio books that can help you stay informed and provide inspiration, but who has time to listen? 

Why not put your driving or commuting time to good use? You'll be amazed at how quick your trip goes along with what you learn. 

Posted on: Mar 23, 2023

By Nikita Tomlinson  |  Director


There are a number of ways to manage cashflow, and if I’m honest, discipline is the most effective. (Head in the sand with cashflow management isn’t a great strategy). Another way to manage your cashflow can be to manage your tax liabilities in a smarter way.

Posted on: Mar 15, 2023

By Kirsty Grant  |  Marketing Specialist

As the economic climate becomes more challenging, businesses must carefully consider where to allocate their marketing resources (remember the Three R’s for 2023 from our newsletter). While it may be tempting to focus on acquiring new customers, it often makes more financial and strategic sense to recognize the value of existing customers and the role they play in driving business growth.

Posted on: Mar 15, 2023

By Diana Piggott | Business Partner - People and Culture

As leaders, it's essential that we remember one of our primary responsibilities is developing the people around us.

Posted on: Mar 1, 2023

By Nikita Tomlinson.

The new financial year is looming, and this is a great opportunity to assess your business resilience. This means getting a realistic understanding the current financial state of the business and building a plan for the way forward. A great place to start is a budget for the coming financial year, and a corresponding cashflow forecast.

Posted on: Feb 21, 2023

We have compiled key welfare and business information to help you get through the impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle.

Posted on: Feb 13, 2023

By Kirsty Grant.

Resilience is the 'catch cry' for 2023 and it starts with self care.

Posted on: Feb 8, 2023

By Steve Sudbury

Some time ago a CEO that I worked with tragically lost her young husband from a sudden and undiagnosed medical event. He was a rising leader in the police force, a volunteer fireman and an accomplished surf lifesaver. And this got me thinking. What sort of legacy I would leave?


Posted on: Jan 26, 2023

Every business, regardless of size, industry or location, has common 'bricks' or strategic questions that need answering to provide direction and clarity. Think of it like an architect producing drawings for the builder so the builder knows what materials and labour are required and when. It's a smart, more efficient way of working. 

Posted on: Jan 15, 2023

CA ANZ (the NZ and Australian chartered accountancy industry body) have recently seen feedback about the challenges of obtaining a GST refund when a registered person or company is purchasing property, or is in the start-up phase of a business. So, what are the rules here?

Posted on: Jan 11, 2023

By Nikita Tomlinson

I don’t share this often because it is super cheesy, and maybe a little bit “much”. But let’s be honest, I am sometimes a bit cheesy and always a bit “much”, so why not… Our vision here at Sudburys is to change the world. (Told you it was a bit much.) My team sometimes think I’m a little crazy, but we truly believe (and see) that the work that we do changes businesses and changes lives.

Posted on: Dec 21, 2022

Technological advancements, remote working and flexi-time has created infobesity - information overload, resulting in stress, reduced productivity and loss of focus. Take back control by introducing a theme for the year. 

Posted on: Dec 1, 2022

While every business is unique in terms of managing the Christmas / New Year / summer period, there are some common tools and hacks that can reduce stress . These include everything from having a team calendar through to updating your Google Profile with the dates that your business is closed.

Posted on: Nov 29, 2022

With as many as 50% - 80% of Kiwis experiencing some form of mental distress during their lifetime, this is a topic that cannot be kept out of the workplace. Whether you are starting your first job, or are an experienced business owner managing a large team, understanding your own mental wellbeing and supporting others is critical.

Posted on: Nov 4, 2022

Changes to IRD’s systems mean more correspondence for tax payers

Posted on: Oct 4, 2022

Inland Revenue has been making changes

Posted on: Oct 4, 2022

Inland Revenue’s secure online services facility

Posted on: Oct 3, 2022

By Stephen Sudbury

Building a scalable business is all about laying the foundations: reducing waste, leveraging equity, future-proofing your workforce, creating efficiency and automation.

Posted on: Sep 14, 2022

Capacity limits the revenue that a business can make but when managed effectively, it boosts profits by accurately matching supply with demand, improves customer service by reducing bottlenecks and missed deadlines, enhances your competitive edge through better agility and reduces business costs and risks such as under or over stocking. 

Posted on: Sep 4, 2022

With 18% of Kiwis using cryptocurrencies (aka cryptoassets, crypto, cyber cash, digital cash, virtual currency) it is important to understand what they are, how they are used and how they are treated from a tax perspective.

Posted on: Jun 16, 2022

What do you think about your competitors? Do you bad-mouth them or use them as an example of ‘what not to do’?

Posted on: Jun 12, 2022

(from Oliver Twist).

The art of growing your business in the current climate relies on knowing where to find more; more margin and more spend from customers. Smart business operators know that not all customers are equal, with some customers regularly purchasing high margin products, some being easy to deal with, some paying your invoices on time and so on. But can we really ask customers to spend even more, particularly at the moment?

Posted on: Jun 12, 2022

By Justin Moore

Smart business owners do not wait for tough times to finetune the financial performance of their business. Building a healthy bottom line generates valuable cashflow and equity which can be used as a buffer or for business growth. My most successful clients set a profit target and work backwards from there, using these 10 strategies:


Posted on: May 31, 2022

By Kirsty Grant, Marketing Specialist

Perhaps George Orwell was also a marketer because anyone working with customers or clients will tell you they are not all equal. One of the quickest ways to grow your bottom line is to ensure you only invest in acquiring and retaining good customers. It has the two-fold effect of reducing the cost of acquiring customers and the customers you acquire are more likely to have profitable and sustainable relationships as well as becoming your brand advocate.   

Posted on: May 4, 2022

Previously, it has been sufficient for trusts to file returns declaring taxable income including distributions to beneficiaries that are subject to NZ tax, without filing standard financial statements. On 1 April 2021 new disclosure rules came into effect for trusts, in an effort by Inland Revenue to get better visibility over whether certain transactions were taxable.


Posted on: May 1, 2022

Regardless of what industry you operate in, whether you are in wholesale or retail, bricks and mortar or online, identifying and monitoring the key cashflow levers in your business is critical. Moving to understanding your business performance in real time will enable you to make decisions at the right time – not a year later when looking at your accounts with your accountant!

Posted on: Apr 28, 2022

When it comes to change, how does your business rate in terms of capability, readiness and beliefs? Check out our tips here.

Posted on: Feb 2, 2022

Make sure you give thought to what will set you apart in 2022. Nikita Tomlinson identifies three key factors for high performance.

Posted on: Dec 22, 2021

2021 has been another year for the history books. Nikita Tomlinson reflects on the year that has been and looks ahead to 2022.

Posted on: Dec 15, 2021

Diana Piggott talks Covid fatigue, the immense weight on business owners right now and what could be the game changer.

Posted on: Sep 26, 2021

Let Sudbury’s help you identify the things that matter and act on them now.

Posted on: Sep 22, 2021

Our goal, as it was last year too, is to help each of our clients navigate lockdown and come out the other side well.

Posted on: Aug 24, 2021

Here's what you need to know about government assistance that could be available to your business if you have been impacted negatively by this current lockdown.

Posted on: Aug 24, 2021

Nikita Tomlinson talks 'The McDonald's Effect' and why if you're a business owner, you can't ignore it.

Posted on: May 30, 2021

2021 is flying by. Make sure you're up to date with the latest changes to tax rates, minimum wage, housing policy and how they impact you.

Posted on: Apr 7, 2021

From 30 January 2021, new laws governing trusts in New Zealand will come into effect. Read more to find out the implications for your trust.

Posted on: Jan 24, 2021

Nikita Tomlinson, shares why in 2021 you need to pull your socks up and get back on the field.

Posted on: Jan 20, 2021

Sudburys Director, Nikita Tomlinson, reflects on a year for the history books and why she's taking a little more time this year to be grateful.

Posted on: Dec 14, 2020

In case you missed our Business Brekkie, here are our key tips for business owners in the current business environment.

Posted on: Oct 26, 2020

There could be up to eight areas of your business that are hiding profit! What are they, and what should you do about it?

Posted on: Oct 7, 2020

Nikita Tomlinson talks hustle and the three things you should be doing to make sure your 'house' is in order.

Posted on: Sep 9, 2020

Nikita Tomlinson shares her thoughts on what to make of 'the pivot' in a post lockdown environment.

Posted on: Jul 15, 2020

Nikita Tomlinson has some strong words for businesses who think everything is just fine.

Posted on: Jun 10, 2020

Many businesses are in the fight of their lives right now. What should you be doing to make sure you're armed and ready for battle?

Posted on: May 25, 2020

Three key characteristics of businesses that are adapting and thriving in challenging times.

Posted on: Apr 21, 2020

If you're a business owner, these are the five things you need to be doing right now.

Posted on: Apr 8, 2020

As a planet, we're navigating unprecedented times but history and experience tells us in many ways we've been here before.

Posted on: Mar 25, 2020

Our tips on how you can look after yourself and manage your team through challenging times.

Posted on: Mar 19, 2020

If someone were introducing you tomorrow – what would they say stood out about you or your business?

Posted on: Mar 4, 2020

Find out how to safeguard your business with some blue sky thinking and advice from Sudburys Director, Nikita Tomlinson.

Posted on: Jan 22, 2020

Understanding and planning your cash position is important at all times, but it can come under even more pressure during the holiday season.

Posted on: Dec 9, 2019

Do you understand your data? Nikita Tomlinson looks at making your numbers your secret strategic business weapon!

Posted on: Nov 18, 2019

2020 is not that far away and neither is the end of the financial year for many! What will your strategic direction be for the new year?

Posted on: Nov 11, 2019

Check out our tips on building a world class team in our workplace.

Posted on: Aug 19, 2019

Nikita Tomlinson shares her experience developing her 'elevator pitch'. Have you developed yours?

Posted on: Aug 3, 2019

Nikita Tomlinson continues her series on making measured decisions for investment in productivity.

Posted on: Jul 14, 2019

Sudburys Business Growth Manager, Nikita Tomlinson, looks at a powerful tool that will change your team dynamics and improve your bottom line. 

Posted on: Jul 1, 2019

Nikita Tomlinson shares her top questions to ask when you're making opportunity vs efficiency investment decisions.

Posted on: Jun 16, 2019

How is your business placed to withstand an economic downturn? Steve Sudbury looks at how doom and gloom can also mean opportunity. 

Posted on: Jun 10, 2019

This week we wrap up Nikita Tomlinson's series on the two key factors that can change the game – confidence and self-belief.

Posted on: May 19, 2019

You've identified the game changers but how do you implement them with your team? Nikita Tomlinson gets practical about leading from the top.

Posted on: May 12, 2019

Business Growth Manager, Nikita Tomlinson, writes on two key factors that are vital to business success.

Posted on: May 5, 2019

Sudbury’s relationship advice and how your sales will benefit.

Posted on: Apr 3, 2019

Steve Sudbury looks at the parallels between fitness and business and how a good coach can make all the difference.

Posted on: Mar 26, 2019

Sudburys Business Growth Manager, Nikita Tomlinson, discusses the huge importance of getting the little things right.

Posted on: Feb 11, 2019

Unlocking the hidden asset in your business that’s not on the balance sheet but creates up to 88% of your business value.

Posted on: Feb 7, 2019

Keeping good books not only means you’re complying with the law, it’s also good for your business.

Posted on: Jan 29, 2019

From 1 July there are some key pieces of legislation coming into effect that you may need to know about.

Posted on: Jul 2, 2018

Learn about what actions are in place to contain and eradicate the disease.

Posted on: Jun 20, 2018