We are among the lucky who were able to adapt quickly and be up and running in our home offices first thing Wednesday morning. However, we know that not everyone is in the same boat.

There is Government assistance starting to be released, and we are including information on this below. If you want to keep more up-to-date, make sure you follow us on our social media - LinkedIn and Facebook.

Here's what you need to know about government assistance that could be available to your business if you have been impacted negatively by this current lockdown:

  • The Wage Subsidy Scheme (WSS) allows eligible employers anywhere in the country to apply if they expect a loss of 40 percent of revenue as a result of the alert level increase announced this week.
  • A Resurgence Support Payment (RSP) is available if firms incur a loss of 30 percent of revenue as a result of the alert level increase. The RSP is worth up to $1500 plus $400 per full-time equivalent employee, up to a maximum of 50 full-time employees (so up to a total of $21,500).
  • The Leave Support Scheme (LSS) provides a two-week lump sum payment of either $585.80 per week for full-time workers or $350 per week for part-time workers, who must self-isolate and cannot work from home.
  • The Short-Term Absence Payment (STAP) provides a one-off (once per 30 days) $350 payment for workers who must miss work due to a COVID-19 test and cannot work from home.

For more information visit our Sudburys website.

There seems to be a general feeling of "let's get on with it" and "we know the drill" out there - however, you can be forgiven for having some feelings of uncertainty and anxiety. It has been one heck of a year since our last major lockdown - and most business owners we know have been running full speed to make up the ground they lost. That running doesn't stop just because we aren't allowed on-site, in the factory or the warehouse!

If you want to talk about your business...

If you want to understand what your future cash flow might look like over the next few weeks...

If you want to understand what a major Auckland lockdown might mean for your business...

If you just want a chat...

...please give us a call.

We're here to help.

Email Stephen Sudbury
Email Niktia Tomlinson
Email Andrea Emmerson
